Code for America: A Conversation on Leadership, Technology & Innovation in a Time of Transition

Code for America: A Conversation on Leadership, Technology & Innovation in a Time of Transition

Any new administration faces challenges when first starting out, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic downturn, and rising calls for racial justice, the ability of the new administration to quickly and effectively deliver equitable policy solutions has never been more critical. A key component of policy is its technical implementation.

When technology isn’t done well, government not only misses opportunities to help people, but can do lasting harm. From crashing unemployment systems to malfunctioning vaccine signups, the pandemic has laid bare what many in the technology world already knew: our government runs on technology, but its outdated systems have left Americans vulnerable. The new administration has an unprecedented opportunity to change that and modernize our systems. Last week, we hosted a webinar in partnership with the Tech Talent Project, an organization that aims to boost the government’s ability to recruit and retain the technical talent they need to deliver on major policy goals.

Code for America’s Amanda Renteria and Ryan Ko engaged in a lively conversation with Tech Talent Project’s Cass Madison, Aspen Tech Policy Hub’s Betsey Cooper, and Walton Family Foundation advisor John Bailey. Our panelists shared their insights into the realities of technology hiring and procurement, the unique technical challenges facing President Biden’s administration, and their hopes for how government might better adapt policy implementation for the digital age.

With the COVID-19's continued devastating effects on our health and our economy, it's clear that the pandemic will remain an enormous challenge well into 202...